Creating a website and blog that captures such a great story.
Used my process of discovery call, wireframes, collaboration, & building the website & blog in Webflow.
A modern and inviting website that tells their story and provides a great user experience to help others with their adapted adventures.
Kasey & Andrea approached me to create a brand new website with a blog for their vision of sharing who they are and their adventures to help others. Kasey has been paralyzed his whole life and is now sharing his knowledge and experiences to help others who find themselves in the same situation. Andrea, Kasey's wife also shares her insights and stories of their adapted adventures to show you can live a fulfilling life. It was great to work with two wonderful people to see their vision come to life.
Wireframe & Information Architecture
I have a proven process that works for any business, non-profit, or brand. This time was no exception when creating a new website and blog for their brand. I first start with a discovery call to really understand who they are and what they want to convey. Then I provide my expert insights on how to make their vision even better. After have a great conversation I have what I need to create wireframes.
Think of wireframes as a blueprint for how the sites content and design elements are organized in a strategic layout to create the best user experience. I shared the wireframe with Kasey & Andrea and after some great collaboration we had a solid plan of how the site will be structured. They were very excited by the direction we were heading and could not wait for the site to be developed.
Developing In Webflow
Once I had the wireframe, which has the content and layout all figured out and approved I started developing the site in Webflow. With Webflow I am able to develop great sites without writing a line of code but the platform only creates the code that I design. It allows me to have full control of the design and creates clean code that has great speed, security, & accessibility.
The Unveiling
Once the site was all developed I shared with Kasey and Andrea. They were super excited for their new website and blog. The site had create blog features that creates a great user experience. It is easy for them to add new content to the site for their new blog posts.
I am so excited to see where they take their new website and blog and they were ecstatic with how the website turned out.

Andrea Stelter
Blog Owner
Adapted Adventures